Friday 2 August 2013


They have no face, only gorgeous arms and legs. They’re vintage photos of pin-ups portrayed in semi domestic environments and covered by mysterious curtains made with Photoshop. Swedish artist Eva Stenram presents them in project "Drape", now on display at Open Eye Gallery in Liverpool.
"There’s more eroticism in what is veiled", wrote the great explorer of nudity Kenneth Clark. And in her manipulated photographs, Eva is able to cover the object of desire present in the original prints, the eroticfocal point: the voluptuous body of the models. With an effect of estrangement that inverts the public and private spheres, transforming the parts left uncovered into fetishes.
Inspired by the essay Photography and Fetish by Christian Metz, the London-based Swedish artist joins digital manipulation, old photos and images taken from the internet, turning them into surreal compositions in which nudity becomes a theatrical object, that is displayed among drapes, curtains and gestures, transforming the viewer into a voyeur.
You find yourself stealing glances at the portraits as if trying not to be seen, in a tension suspended between the anticipation of something to come and the thrust of imagination, or of desire, that recompose the missing elements.
Photos via

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